Dear Ones,
Art of Living Northern Ireland invites you, your family and friends to a lively and interactive session on 'Mind and Meditation' on Sunday, 4th Sep, 2016.
Please spread the word about the events and let the happiness flow!
Ever wondered where do the negative emotions that stop our growth originate from and more importantly what can WE do to keep them under control and how? Join us for a power packed session to learn more about mind and emotions and explore some simple yet powerful ways to turn them under control.
We will explore the relationship between body, breath and mind and learn some practical tools and wisdom that can be implemented on a daily basis.
You will also have opportunity to register for the upcoming Happiness Program at discounted fee.
Reported Benefits:
• Reduced Stress
• More Enthusiasm
• Improved Efficiency and Productivity
• Enhanced feeling of health and well-being
Dates: Sunday, 4th Sep
Timings: 2pm - 4 pm
Venue: Crescent Arts Centre, 2-4 University Road,
Belfast, BT7 1NH.
Cost: £5
Limited Places, RSVP today !
Call 07872011665 /07875665957