Born to Flourish is happening at Coworth Park Hotel in Ascot a beautiful five star hotel. The day is all aimed at helping busy women create some breathing space in thier busy lives. We see so many women heading towards burnout and we want to show women there is another way to live. Being stressed out is all down to the choices we make in our lives. We can choose to run around after everyone or we can decide that our own needs are important. When was the last time you did something just for yourself? Us women often feel guilty doing something just for us this is where our event will help you. The day is all aimed at YOU and what you want to do. Maybe you have a dream that you have never pursued because you don't have the time. Melanie Whittaker is the Fun Aficionado helping women all around the world live a life they love. Melanie knows what its like to feel fun has flown out the window and then one day she decided to do something about it and decided to live life how she wanted to live it. Melanie makes natural skincare and loves to pamper and drink herbal tea and her passions in life are travel, music, and being creative. Melanie has been a secretary all her life and knows how to structure her time so that she does what's important and the rest of the time she's having fun. Louise helps women who feel like they struggle to go after what they want in life. Her gift is helping women cultivate a positive mindset. Louise has brought up a family and although she is British has lived most of her life abroad and has dealt with things without the support of her family around her. Both Melanie and Louise have dealt with changing thier lives since the recession happened and they want to share that knowledge with other women so they can change thier lives for the better. Life can often throw us curveballs and we can either choose to give up or we can learn the correct mindset which will get us what we want in life. Your needs matter and it is possible for you to have what you want in life. First you need to spring into action, then you need to believe that its possible and then you need a community of people around you who get you and support what you want to do. The day starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm there will be food and drinks and little extras to the day which will make your day feel special. We have the most gorgeous goody bags filled with Melanie's natural skincare so that when you get home you can treat yourself like the Queen you know you are. Not only are we going to have loads of fun with you on the day and give you lots of great advice we will also catch up with you after the event to see how you're getting on and help you chase after your dream. The great thing is when a woman feels like she's flourishing this causes a ripple effect because she not only looks radiant but she lives a life she loves. She does work she enjoys, her relationships are better and she has a sense of freedom and fun about her. Feel free to contact us for more information and if you have any questions. The cost of the event is priced at £120 for the early bird price after that its priced at £150. We can't wait to spend the day with you and help you see that life can be lived without feeling stressed and unfulfilled. Its time to flourish not exist!